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Promotion System, Rewards and More:


These areas will be used to gain Hero points, and will be used towards promotions.

Points will be earned in this manor:

* Attendance at meetings or events gets you 1 Hero point.

* On the spot call for anything in a war mode gets you 2 Hero points

* Leading the guild through an event lead by another guild gets you 5 Hero points

* Leading a guild-hosted event gets you 10 hero points (bonus of 1 for every other guild who shows)

* Recording guild notes for the guild meeting (unless appointed as perm duty) gets you 5 points

* Leading the guild meeting (unless GM or temp GM) gets you 10 points.

* Recruiting a member to KA gets you 1 Hero point, 5 Hero pts if they get promoted above Ronin, 10 if they stay in KA for 6 months

* 10,000 gold gets you 10 Hero points (must be donation of 10K plus to use checks); 1 ED = 50K gold = 50 Hero Points

* Common Supplies in the amount of 5000 gets you 5 hero points, IE: Cloth, bandages, leather, meat, iron and wood.
5000 Horned/Barbed Leather or Pine and up, Colored Ores gets you 8 Hero points.

* To encourage RP, getting out of character as in being rude, fowl mouthed, or killing innocent PCs you will lose 5 Hero pts.

* Doing a character development gets you 10 hero points

* Doing a small project gets you 5-15 hero pts pending the type and length

* Lvl 5 and higher members can give from 1-5 hero points for any reason not covered in above reward areas

* Members are encouraged to send in their monthly reports on all the actions they have done, so that hero points can be appropriately awarded.



Small Project Ideas
These are ideas that most require you sending them to the Guild Leader in order to get credit.


  • Player draws up a family tree of his character.

  • Player must answer a brief survey of multiple-choice questions about his character

  • The player must answer a single, thought-provoking question.

  • The player must write up a list of ideas, rumors, or facts relevant to his character or the guild.

  • The player must gather one or more interesting images or bits of information relevant to the guild or his character from the net, books, or magazines.

  • The player must develop a secret for his character that the other members don't know.

  • The player must write a paragraph explaining where he sees his character after gaining third level in the guild, and what assets he will have.

  • The player must write a paragraph explaining who his character's patron is and why?

  • The player must write a short letter from his character to a living relative. The relationship can be congenial, antagonistic, or simply distant as the player sees fit.

  • The player must decide his character's morning routine.

  • The player must write down three idioms that his character uses often. These can be the expressions his character uses when surprised, overjoyed, pr simply talking informally. They don't even need to be complete phrases; general speech patterns will work fine.

  • The player must write a short synopsis of the last playing session.

  • The player must write a brief description of an object that is important to his character.

  • The player must write a short anecdote describing an encounter (not necessarily a combat encounter) his character had within an extreme environment (for example; a burning building, an artic wasteland, or a humid jungle)

  • The player must write a paragraph describing a moral dilemma that his character experienced before entering the guild, shard, or next level of rank.



with requirements

Levels Achieved by:


Level 0

Ronin: Joining KA.
Uniform color is: Red


Level 1

Celtic: Celt
Druid: Adept
Saxon: Prospect

Requirement: 50 Hero Points, Veteran, 2 Weeks as Ronin. 
Uniform Color is: Yellow.


Level 2

Celtic: Commoner
Druid: Shaman
Saxon: Saxon

Requirement: 150 Hero Points, minimum 1 month in KA, and 3 GM skills with one being in Clan focus. (GM skills can be verified via screen shot sent to; address to Rigovran title: Promotion)
Uniform color is Light Green.


Level 3

Celtic: Freeman
Druid: Shaman
Saxon: Grunt

Requirement: 300Hero Points and 6 GM Skills with two being in Clan Focus

Uniform color is Dark Green.


Level 4

Celtic: Noble
Druid: Druid
Saxon: Infantry

Requirement: 500 Hero Points, sponsored by level 6 or higher member, 12 GM skills and 3 in Clan Focus

Uniform color is Light Blue.


Level 5

Celtic: Baron/Baroness
Druid: Mystic
Saxon: Sergeant

Requirement: 750 Hero Points, Recommended by level 7 or higher member, 15 GM skills, voted upon by the guild.

Uniform Color is Blue.


Level 6

Celtic: Earl/Earless
Druid: Guardian
Saxon: Lieutenant

Requirement, 1250 Hero Points, recommended by a clan leader, 18 GM skills, voted upon by the guild.

Uniform Color is Dark Blue.


Level 7

Celtic: Count/Countess
Druid: Master
Saxon: Captain

Requirements: 2500 Hero Points, recommended by the Guild Leader, 23 GM Skills voted upon by the guild

Uniform Color is Gold.

Bonus Level 8

Celtic: Dragonic Architect
Druid: Dragonic Magi
Saxon: Dragon Knight


Requirement: 5000 Hero Points, 25+ GM Skills, at least 3 Legendary in Field

Requirements other to be thought of at a later time.

Something like working out an alliance for KA or a new Clan (guild mergers) into KA outside of your own if a Clan Leader. Something very hard and rare.


Level 9

Clan Leaders:

Celtic/Avalon: Rigovran

Druid: Open, Arch Druid
Saxon: Open, Warlord


Level 10

Earl of Avalon: Rigovran

Uniform Colors are Gold and Purple.

Special Rank: Membership numbers will change Rigovran's title. 

Members     Title

5                   Baron

10                 Earl (currently used based on former membership base of 18)

15                 Count

20                Marquis

25                Duke

50                Grand Duke

75                Arch Duke

100              King

200+            Emperor

NOTE: Any of the above held by a player with lower ranking prior to the position is entitled to the given level of the position. If it is a temporary position then upon completion of the term the Elder Council and monarch will decide if the player remains at that level, goes back to the pre-position rank, or promoted above pre-position rank.

Orders of Avalon 


Order of the Compassion

Must be a knight of compassion within Excelsior virtue system 
Lead by:


Order of the Sacrifice
Must be a knight of sacrifice within the Excelsior virtue system
Lead by:


Order of the Sash
Friends of the crown within the guild and outside the guild.  Special made sash by Rigovran
Lead by:


Order of Avalon
Information to come, Special doublet made by Rigovran
Lead by:



Other positions:

Guild Reporter:

Guild Treasurer:

Event Coordinator:

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