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Rules of Avalon.  


In the realm of Excelsior, there is a kingdom of members that look out for each other and aid those in need. We collectively work together to build the greater Avalon Kingdom. We do understand we all play a role within that kingdom and do our best to stay within that role. Ronin are our new members and they are encouraged to build their skills while they are still young, yet aid where they can young players as well as the kingdom.


Our Basic Principles


1) First and foremost have FUN.

2) Honor and Loyalty to Avalon.

3) Respectful to all players

4) Integrity

5) Helpful to members of the Guild and to the Shard

6) Stay in Character - Local voice as well as Global Chat

7) Out of Character chat should be sent via Pigeons (PM or guild chat)


Our Clans:


Avalon is broken into clans. We know on Excelsior you can do anything you want as far as skills, yet we place our members based on their primary focus. These are also areas for roleplay within the guild, realm, and for guild events.


1) Celtic Clan - A clan where undecided players can go, diplomats and crafters. Leader: Rigovran himself, Earl of Avalon


2) Druids - A clan for magic lovers of all sorts, and tamers.  Leader: Open


3) Saxons - Our warrior clan, fighters of all kinds. Leader: Open


4) More clans to come as we grow. New clans can be formed by a leader and 5 members of the current roster. All members must have more than 30 calendars days in guild. Also they must make a list of ranks and stay within the Celtic theme; for example: Picts, Irish, Scots, Welch, etc.



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